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Sunday, January 19, 2020

HACK: Ways To Get Your Jeans Fit Without Trying Them On

 Have you been in the situation where you purchased a pair of jeans to wear for a program only for the jeans to not fit and leave you stressed out? Have you had your hopes on your already existing pair of jeans to take to work, school or out only for you to go through the stress of pulling in all angles and still not get to wear them?
 If you have or you are yet to then you will need these hacks for you to get your jeans fit perfectly without having to stand all day to avoid your jeans from tearing up.

As you probably know anytime you set off into the market, shop or boutique for a new pair of jeans, in order to know if they would fit, you will get the waist of the jeans wrapped around your neck. If the ends meet without overlapping or stretching, it is assumed that the jeans will fit perfectly well however it does not always work out for everyone. There are times I purchase a new pair of jeans only for them to be smaller than they used to be. So I decided that instead of making the wrapped ends of the waist meet I will leave some amount of space around the neck in order to be on the safer side.
 This is not the way to way to get the perfect fitting jeans for you. Did you know you could actually fit your jeans with your arms? In order to be certain, to get the right jeans, you could bend your arm at the elbow and clench a fist to easily fit into a zipped-up waistband. However, this trick works for only those who wear jeans with a standard waist however if your jeans are high-waisted jeans, your arm should not fit in completely. 
 For now, we have been able to check both the waist of your jeans, another most important thing to check is the length of your jeans and also the distance between your thighs and your waist.

Depending on the length you desire, you can hold the edges of the legs of your jeans and put your arms to the sides as far as you can. If the middle of the jeans is right under your chin, you have made the right choice, also if the middle is right under your chin at neck level that is also the great choice.

 You can as well wear your jeans and stretch or raise one leg so high, if you are able to do so without a tear or restrictions then you have made the right choice.
For my ladies out there with very tiny waists and full up butts and hips, you will need to wear the jeans right there to fit or you could stretch out the hip side of the jeans so wide in order to be on a safer side with your goodies.

All these tips given do not stop us from trying on our jeans when we have the chance to.

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