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Sunday, February 9, 2020

DISCOVER: The Secret To Boost Your Confidence As A Lady

It seems we would be taking a good look at that one thing that just can't stop boosting our confidence in ourselves. That thing just helps us practice self-love and for a good reason one of the people we could trust.

There is one thing I won't stop talking about because it is the truth, "We are all different people with just our unique nature." However, it takes one thing to help you discover that unique thing about yourself.
Anyways today we going to be taking a look at Mirrors and it's unique work it plays. The mirror is a modern type od practice where you meet your exact reflection and send yourself loving, self-affirmations, love and even open up a conversation with yourself as if you're speaking with a loved one or friend.

Standing in front of the mirror is all about getting to know yourself in order to face life with courage as a self-aware individual.

Mirrors help you develop yourself, elevate the way you see yourself in your mind and ground you in your body.
We all need to learn to practice mirror work to level up our self-confidence so below are some steps to guide you through:

1. Get a handheld mirror-Getting a handheld mirror allows you get an up-close and personal look at yourself. If you are unable to get a handheld mirror you could locate a bathroom mirror or any stationery that can guarantee you privacy.

2. Hold your gaze- You could start by looking closely into the mirror. In order to make this work, do not look at yourself with judgments or with the remembrance of the negative things said at you.  The goal is to witness yourself without any judgment. Hold eye contact and send yourself love. Express how beautiful you are, remember no one can be privileged to be as beautiful and unique as you. You are very privileged to be "U". Just express yourself whether, in a smile, laugh e.t.c just do so.
3. Speak positive things to yourself- Give yourself the chance to know how beautiful you are, just tell yourself who you are, all the good and perfect things you are. Have a good conversation with yourself, tell yourself things that will make you feel good, things you wish people tell you and not cause you to look down on others. Get to understand that people treat you the way you treat yourself so if you want people to see that beauty, lovely, confident, unique or whatever good personality about yourself it starts from you, you are best treated the way you treat yourself.

Be willing to give yourself this treatment once or twice a week it really does a lot for me, it aids in having that transformation you soo much desire and that impacts you a lo.

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